Senin, 20 Oktober 2008


Fishes In Europe and Asia, fish raisers have learned that the application of lime on fish ponds help a lot in the growth and reproduction of the fish therein, especially in water levels that have low calcium content. Like the application of fertilizer, lime is applied on the ponds. The most commonly available are those used on land—ground lime, and either calcite (CaCO3) or dolomite (CaMg (CO3)2).

As early as 1975, this has been studied in the Auburn University of Alabama (USA) on five fishponds that were treated with lime and five others not treated with lime but fertilized with ammonium nitrate and trisuperphosphate every two weeks. It was seen that plants growing in the ponds with lime flourished, and the fish increased by 25%. This was also tried in Malaysia as early as 1962 where the tilapia they raised in ponds increased by 10% with the application of lime.

this imformation from here

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