Senin, 25 Agustus 2008

Feed of Fishpond Fish

Feed of fish in fishpond actually hardly easy to in earning and in searching. fish conducting in fishpond is not necessarily be busy bought feed of its(the example fish ( feed por of fish) artificial of factory or his(its conspecific, feed of fish that is conspecific is por in fact instead makes fishpond water to increase its(the turbid and water quality is crummy, longer its(the water not in changing can make death fish. So feed good is grass growing in bank - itself fishpond bank or grass plant growing in itself fishpond water. Fishpond which in grows water grass is not to give is feed again for its(the fish because with fish itself grass has eats and good of its(the benefit in adding with its(the fishpond water is also still awake its(the quality. not fishpond in growing water grass can take away from grass growing in embanking fishpond, its way ready to cut grasss growing in fishpond banks after many in ties with string so that natty then in exhaust to fishpond, grass decaying in that water becomes fishs eating and prawn. its(the fishpond conducting can make quickly crop. safe tries???

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