Minggu, 03 Agustus 2008

Prawn Eater Fish

( Bloso) the naming of the fishpond farmers, this bloso fish life in fishpond and in sea estuary, length around 15-20 cm its(the colour turns yellow to gold, bloso can live in brine and also in freshwater, fish bloso actually pest to all farmer in because this fish eats or preys adult or small prawns living in fishpond is including prawn windu. prawn which its(the movement is weak in water would continuously be hunted by fish like this. bloso can eat prawn windu 3 times in one day small prawn and or adult prawn. imagines every day like that is not [used up/finished] prawn which in conducting by fishpond farmer. this fish can step into fishpond easily unconsciously by farmer, thus way of overcoming so that this fish doesn't come into fishpond hence each time high water from admission sea must be filtered with net that way garbage from sea or fish from sea will not come into fishpond, that way prawn pest decreases.

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